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Minorité sexuelle

sexual minority

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(LGBT* or GLBT* or LGB OR LGBQ* OR LGBS* OR M2F OR GLB OR GLBQ* OR GLBs* OR heteroflexible* OR GBMSM* OR msm OR TGNC* or YTW or Gay or gays or lesbi* or bisexu#l* or transgender* or bicurious* OR transpeople* OR asexual* OR or women loving women OR women who have sex with women OR transvestite OR cross sex* OR crosssex* OR crossgender* OR F2M OR transperson* or transsexual* or homosexual* or intersex* or queer* or (trans adj2 (people or individual or individuals or person or persons or sexual* OR man or men or male or female OR youth* or woman or women OR population* OR gender)) or ((gender* OR sex OR sexual) adj2 (change OR dysphoria OR reversal OR identit* OR reassign OR transform* OR transition* OR minorit* or sexual* or binary))).ti,ab. OR exp *transgender/ OR exp *gender identity/ OR exp *sexual orientation OR *gender identity/

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(LGBT* or GLBT* or LGB OR LGBQ* OR LGBS* OR M2F OR GLB OR GLBQ* OR GLBs* OR heteroflexible* OR GBMSM* OR msm OR TGNC* or YTW or Gay or gays or lesbi* or bisexu#l* or transgender* or bicurious* OR transpeople* OR asexual* OR or women loving women OR women who have sex with women OR transvestite OR cross sex* OR crosssex* OR crossgender* OR F2M OR transperson* or transsexual* or homosexual* or intersex* or queer* or (trans adj2 (people or individual or individuals or person or persons or sexual* OR man or men or male or female OR youth* or woman or women OR population* OR gender)) or ((gender* OR sex OR sexual) adj2 (change OR dysphoria OR reversal OR identit* OR reassign OR transform* OR transition* OR minorit* or sexual* or binary))).ti,ab. OR *bisexuality/ or exp *homosexuality/ OR exp *"Sexual and Gender Minorities"/ OR Transsexualism/


(LGBT*[Title/Abstract] OR GLBT*[Title/Abstract] OR LGB[Title/Abstract] OR LGBQ*[Title/Abstract] OR LGBS*[Title/Abstract] OR M2F[Title/Abstract] OR GLB[Title/Abstract] OR GLBQ*[Title/Abstract] OR GLBs*[Title/Abstract] OR heteroflexible*[Title/Abstract] OR GBMSM*[Title/Abstract] OR msm[Title/Abstract] OR TGNC*[Title/Abstract] OR YTW[Title/Abstract] OR Gay[Title/Abstract] OR gays[Title/Abstract] OR lesbi*[Title/Abstract] OR bisexual*[Title/Abstract] OR transgender*[Title/Abstract] OR bicurious*[Title/Abstract] OR transpeople*[Title/Abstract] OR asexual*[Title/Abstract] OR "men loving men"[Title/Abstract] OR "man who have sex with man"[Title/Abstract] OR "women loving women"[Title/Abstract] OR "women who have sex with women"[Title/Abstract] OR transvestite[Title/Abstract] OR "cross sex"[Title/Abstract] OR crosssex*[Title/Abstract] OR crossgender*[Title/Abstract] OR F2M[Title/Abstract] OR transperson*[Title/Abstract] OR hijra*[Title/Abstract] OR transsexual*[Title/Abstract] OR homosexual*[Title/Abstract] OR intersex*[Title/Abstract] OR queer*[Title/Abstract] OR genderqueer[Title/Abstract] OR "gender queer"[Title/Abstract] OR cisgender[Title/Abstract] OR "trans people"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans individual"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans individuals"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans person"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans persons"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans sexual"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans man"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans men"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans male"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans women"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans woman"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans female"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans youth"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans population"[Title/Abstract] OR "trans gender"[Title/Abstract] OR "sexual minority"[Title/Abstract] OR "sexual minorities"[Title/Abstract] OR dysphoria[Title/Abstract] OR "sex reversal"[Title/Abstract] OR"same sex"[Title/Abstract] OR " transitioned people"[Title/Abstract] OR" transitioned person"[Title/Abstract] OR " transitioned population"[Title/Abstract] OR "Sexual and Gender Minorities"[Mesh] OR "Bisexuality"[Mesh] OR "Homosexuality"[Mesh] OR "Transsexualism"[Mesh])

Stratégie développée le 2019-03-05

Ajouté le 2019-03-05, 15:42 par Marie-Marthe Gagnon


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concepts/minorite-sexuelle.txt · Dernière modification : 2019/03/05 20:42 de mmgagnon

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