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Stratégie de recherche développée par Vicky Tessier à l'INSPQ puis déposée et mise à jour par Mahée Lacourse
OVID et EBSCO mis à jour par Véronic Fortin
Ovid Vocabulaire libre seulement
(Aborigin* or Aleut* or Amerind* or autocht* or Eskimo* or Indian* or indigenous or Inuit* or Innuit* or Inuk or Inuktitut-speaker* or Inupiat* or "First Nation*" or "First Peoples" or Kalaallit* or Metis or Native or Natives or tribe or tribes or tribal).ti,ab.
((isolated or remote or "underserved medically" or "under-served medically") adj (area or areas or population* or community or communities or group or groups or band or bands or reserve or reserves)).ti,ab.
(Abenaki* or Pima or Pimas or Navajo* or Inuit* or Innuit* or Cherokee* or Shawnee* or Lakota or Coushatta or Tlingit* or Arapaho* or Assiniboine or Beothuk or Blackfeet or Blackfoot or Cabazon* or Caddo* or Chickasaw or Chippewa or Chitimacha* or Choctaw* or Cocopah* or "Coeur D'alene" or Comanche* or Muscogee* or Duwamish or Elwha* or Flathead* or Goshute* or Ho-Chunk* or Hopi or Hopis or Hoopa* or S'klallam or Jatibonicu or Jumano* or Kalapuya* or Kiowa* or Kootenai* or Lemhi* or Shoshone* or Makah* or Pequot* or Mechoopda* or Metis or Menominee* or Miccosukee* or MicMac or Mi'kmaq or Mohegan* or Muscogee* or Navajo* or "Nez Perce" or "Nez Pierce" or Oneida* or Osage* or Passamaquoddy or Pawnee* or "Pend D'oreille" or Pomo or Pomos or Potawatomi* or Pueblo* or Quinault* or Salish or Saponi or Saponis or Seminole* or Shawnee* or Shoshone* or Siletz or Nakota or S'klallam or Suquamish or Taino or Tainos or Tohono or "O'Odham" or Tunica-Biloxi or Tunicas or Umatilla* or Umpqua* or Waccamaw* or Wampanoag* or Washoe* or Wiyot* or Yakama* or Ute or Utes or Apache* or Cheyenne* or Spokane or Tuscarora or Sioux or Wendat* or Huron* or Mohawk* or "AI/AN" or Apache or Cree).ti,ab.
Ebsco Vocabulaire libre seulement
TI (Aborigin* OR Aleut* OR Amerind* OR autocht* OR Eskimo* OR Indian* OR indigenous OR Inuit* OR Innuit* OR Inuk OR Inuktitut-speaker* OR Inupiat* OR "First Nation*" OR "First Peoples" OR Kalaallit* OR Metis OR Native OR Natives OR tribe OR tribes OR tribal) OR AB (Aborigin* OR Aleut* OR Amerind* OR autocht* OR Eskimo* OR Indian* OR indigenous OR In#uit* OR Inuk OR Inuktitut-speaker* OR Inupiat* OR "First Nation*" OR "First Peoples" OR Kalaallit* OR Metis OR Native OR Natives OR tribe OR tribes OR tribal)
TI ((isolated OR remote OR "underserved medically" OR "under-served medically") W0 (area OR areas OR population* OR community OR communities OR group OR groups OR band OR bands OR reserve OR reserves)) OR AB ((isolated OR remote OR "underserved medically" OR "under-served medically") W0 (area OR areas OR population* OR community OR communities OR group OR groups OR band OR bands OR reserve OR reserves))
TI (Abenaki* OR Pima OR Pimas OR Navajo* OR Inuit* OR Innuit* OR Cherokee* OR Shawnee* OR Lakota OR Coushatta OR Tlingit* OR Arapaho* OR Assiniboine OR Beothuk OR Blackfeet OR Blackfoot OR Cabazon* OR Caddo* OR Chickasaw OR Chippewa OR Chitimacha* OR Choctaw* OR Cocopah* OR "Coeur D'alene" OR Comanche* OR Muscogee* OR Duwamish OR Elwha* OR Flathead* OR Goshute* OR Ho-Chunk* OR Hopi OR Hopis OR Hoopa* OR S'klallam OR Jatibonicu OR Jumano* OR Kalapuya* OR Kiowa* OR Kootenai* OR Lemhi* OR Shoshone* OR Makah* OR Pequot* OR Mechoopda* OR Metis OR Menominee* OR Miccosukee* OR Mi'kmaq OR Mohegan* OR Muscogee* OR Navajo* OR "Nez Perce" OR "Nez Pierce" OR Oneida* OR Osage* OR Passamaquoddy OR Pawnee* OR "Pend D'oreille" OR Pomo OR Pomos OR Potawatomi* OR Pueblo* OR Quinault* OR Salish OR Saponi OR Saponis OR Seminole* OR Shawnee* OR Shoshone* OR Siletz OR Nakota OR S'klallam OR Suquamish OR Taino OR Tainos OR Tohono OR "O'Odham" OR Tunica-Biloxi OR Tunicas OR Umatilla* OR Umpqua* OR Waccamaw* OR Wampanoag* OR Washoe* OR Wiyot* OR Yakama* OR Ute OR Utes OR Apache* OR Cheyenne* OR Spokane OR Tuscarora OR Sioux OR Wendat* or Huron* or Mohawk* or "AI/AN" or Apache or Cree) OR AB (Abenaki* OR Pima OR Pimas OR Navajo* OR Inuit* OR Innuit* OR Cherokee* OR Shawnee* OR Lakota OR Coushatta OR Tlingit* OR Arapaho* OR Assiniboine OR Beothuk OR Blackfeet OR Blackfoot OR Cabazon* OR Caddo* OR Chickasaw OR Chippewa OR Chitimacha* OR Choctaw* OR Cocopah* OR "Coeur D'alene" OR Comanche* OR Muscogee* OR Duwamish OR Elwha* OR Flathead* OR Goshute* OR Ho-Chunk* OR Hopi OR Hopis OR Hoopa* OR S'klallam OR Jatibonicu OR Jumano* OR Kalapuya* OR Kiowa* OR Kootenai* OR Lemhi* OR Shoshone* OR Makah* OR Pequot* OR Mechoopda* OR Metis OR Menominee* OR Miccosukee* OR Mi'kmaq OR Mohegan* OR Muscogee* OR Navajo* OR "Nez Perce" OR "Nez Pierce" OR Oneida* OR Osage* OR Passamaquoddy OR Pawnee* OR "Pend D'oreille" OR Pomo OR Pomos OR Potawatomi* OR Pueblo* OR Quinault* OR Salish OR Saponi OR Saponis OR Seminole* OR Shawnee* OR Shoshone* OR Siletz OR Nakota OR S'klallam OR Suquamish OR Taino OR Tainos OR Tohono OR "O'Odham" OR Tunica-Biloxi OR Tunicas OR Umatilla* OR Umpqua* OR Waccamaw* OR Wampanoag* OR Washoe* OR Wiyot* OR Yakama* OR Ute OR Utes OR Apache* OR Cheyenne* OR Spokane OR Tuscarora OR Sioux or Wendat* or Huron* or Mohawk* or "AI/AN" or Apache or Cree)
PubMed Vocabulaire libre seulement
(Aborigin*[TIAB] OR Aleut*[TIAB] OR Amerind*[TIAB] OR autocht*[TIAB] OR Eskimo*[TIAB] OR indigenous[TIAB] OR Inuit*[TIAB] OR Innuit*[TIAB] OR Inuk[TIAB] OR Inuktitut-speaker*[TIAB] OR Inupiat*[TIAB] OR "First Nation"[TIAB] OR "First Nations"[TIAB] OR "First Peoples"[TIAB] OR Kalaallit*[TIAB] OR Metis[TIAB] OR Native[TIAB] OR Natives[TIAB] OR tribe[TIAB] OR tribes[TIAB] OR tribal[TIAB] OR Abenaki*[TIAB] OR Pima[TIAB] OR Pimas[TIAB] OR Navajo*[TIAB] OR Cherokee*[TIAB] OR Shawnee*[TIAB] OR Lakota[TIAB] OR Coushatta[TIAB] OR Tlingit*[TIAB] OR Arapaho*[TIAB] OR Assiniboine[TIAB] OR Beothuk[TIAB] OR Blackfeet[TIAB] OR Blackfoot[TIAB] OR Cabazon*[TIAB] OR Caddo*[TIAB] OR Chickasaw[TIAB] OR Chippewa[TIAB] OR Chitimacha*[TIAB] OR Choctaw*[TIAB] OR Cocopah*[TIAB] OR "Coeur D'alene"[TIAB] OR Comanche*[TIAB] OR Muscogee*[TIAB] OR Duwamish[TIAB] OR Elwha*[TIAB] OR Flathead*[TIAB] OR Goshute*[TIAB] OR Ho-Chunk*[TIAB] OR Hopi[TIAB] OR Hopis[TIAB] OR Hoopa*[TIAB] OR S'klallam[TIAB] OR Jatibonicu[TIAB] OR Jumano*[TIAB] OR Kalapuya*[TIAB] OR Kiowa*[TIAB] OR Kootenai*[TIAB] OR Lemhi*[TIAB] OR Shoshone*[TIAB] OR Makah*[TIAB] OR Pequot*[TIAB] OR Mechoopda*[TIAB] OR Menominee*[TIAB] OR Miccosukee*[TIAB] OR Mi'kmaq[TIAB] OR Mohegan*[TIAB] OR Muscogee*[TIAB] OR Navajo*[TIAB] OR "Nez Perce"[TIAB] OR "Nez Pierce"[TIAB] OR Oneida*[TIAB] OR Osage*[TIAB] OR Passamaquoddy[TIAB] OR Pawnee*[TIAB] OR "Pend D'oreille"[TIAB] OR Pomo[TIAB] OR Pomos[TIAB] OR Potawatomi*[TIAB] OR Pueblo*[TIAB] OR Quinault*[TIAB] OR Salish[TIAB] OR Saponi[TIAB] OR Saponis[TIAB] OR Seminole*[TIAB] OR Shawnee*[TIAB] OR Shoshone*[TIAB] OR Siletz[TIAB] OR Nakota[TIAB] OR S'klallam[TIAB] OR Suquamish[TIAB] OR Taino[TIAB] OR Tainos[TIAB] OR Tohono[TIAB] OR "O'Odham"[TIAB] OR Tunica-Biloxi[TIAB] OR Tunicas[TIAB] OR Umatilla*[TIAB] OR Umpqua*[TIAB] OR Waccamaw*[TIAB] OR Wampanoag*[TIAB] OR Washoe*[TIAB] OR Wiyot*[TIAB] OR Yakama*[TIAB] OR Ute[TIAB] OR Utes[TIAB] OR Apache*[TIAB] OR Cheyenne*[TIAB] OR Spokane[TIAB] OR Tuscarora[TIAB] OR Sioux[TIAB] OR (Indian*[TIAB] NOT (India[TIAB] OR China[TIAB] OR Chinese*[TIAB])) OR ((isolated[TI] OR remote[TI] OR "underserved medically"[TI] OR "under-served medically"[TI]) AND (area[TI] OR areas[TI] OR population*[TI] OR community[TI] OR communities[TI] OR group[TI] OR groups[TI] OR band[TI] OR bands[TI] OR reserve[TI] OR reserves[TI])))
Stratégie développée le 2018-12-03
Ajouté le 2018-12-03, 15:03 par Mahée Lacourse
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concepts/autochtones.txt · Dernière modification : 2022/08/19 17:49 de Vana Ké
Pour Medline (Ovid), on pourrait aussi opter pour ceci (fusion de deux stratégies):
American Native Continental Ancestry Group/ or exp "Indians, North American"/ or Indigenous Peoples/ or "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander"/ or
(aborigin* or aleut* or (america* adj2 indian*) or amerind* or autocht* or eskimo* or (first adj (nation$1 or people*)) or indigenous or innu* or inuit* or inuk* or inupiat* or iroquoi* or kalaallit* or metis or native or natives or tribal or tribe or tribes).ti,ab,kf. or
( ( (isolated or remote or under-served or underserved) adj3 (band or bands or communit* or reservation* or reserve or reserves) ) and
(america* or arctic or australia* or canad* or "new zealand*" or "united states" or usa)).ti,ab,kf. or
(abena* or "ai/an" or algonqui* or anishina* or apache* or arapaho* or assiniboine* or at?ikame* or beothuk* or blackf##t or cabazon* or caddo* or cherokee* or cheyenne* or chickasaw* or chippewa* or chitimacha* or choctaw* or cocopah* or "coeur d'alene" or comanche* or coushatta* or cree* or cri or cris or dene* or duwamish* or elwha* or flathead* or goshute* or ho-chunk* or hoopa* or hopi or hopis or huron* or jatibonicu* or jumano* or kalapuya* or kiowa* or kootenai* or lakota* or lemhi* or makah* or malecite* or maliseet* or maori* or mechoopda* or menominee* or miccosukee* or "mi'#maq" or "miꞌ#maw" or micmac* or mohawk* or mohegan* or muscogee* or nakota* or naskap* or navajo* or "nez p?erce*" or oneida* or "o'odham*" or osage* or passamaquodd* or pawnee* or "pend d'oreille*" or pequot* or pima or pimas or pomo or pomos or potawatomi* or pueblo* or quinault* or "s'klallam" or salish or saponi or saponis or seminole* or shawnee* or shoshone* or siletz or sioux or spokane or suquamish or taino or tainos or tlingit* or tohono or tunica-biloxi or tunicas or tuscarora* or umatilla* or umpqua* or ute or utes or waccamaw* or wampanoag* or washoe* or wendat* or wiyot* or yakama*).ti,ab,kf.
Nouveaux MeSH 2021 :
American Natives
Indigenous Canadians